Alright... on to my next complaint...
If I recall (and it's not worth looking up), Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (or maybe even 95) was the first one to include the "Taskbar" with its "Quick Lanch" buttons... I love these things. What better way to keep my desktop clean, while putting me one (or more) click(s)/keystroke(s) closer to completing my next task.
Here's the trouble: On GNOME, for as long as I can remember, and even on my fully yum-updated Fedora 12 box, I can only have a single horizontal row of "application launchers" and tray icons (though that's another blog waiting to happen), PER PANEL. Unfortunately, I DON'T WANT TWO PANELS, I want one.. Why, you say? If I have two panels, instead of one, my "Window List" applet cannot span both, forcing me into an inefficient use of precious screenscape.
Here's something I'd like to clarify... I understand that Linux is participatory, and that I should probably just learn how to code better. Yes, I could jump in and fix it myself. I submit that the complainer is equally important, in their own right, to the person who fixes the problems. If the programmer doesn't know what to fix, when will they just remarkably wake up with the knowledge that something needs fixing? That is why this blog exists.
I digress.. As the Saturday Night Live saying goes, "FIX IT!"... peep the half-way mark in the vid below..
for the current device what is lacking during use?