Sunday, March 21, 2010

Workspace Switcher Stupidity...

(click for larger)

It seems I'm on a roll here with the GNOME issues.. And I hear what you're thinking, "Why doesn't he just use KDE and/or Compiz or Cairo-Dock?" I've tried them, and I cannot tell you how much more annoyed I was by their all out frivolous nature. While aesthetic, some of the complaints I'm making about GNOME truly inhibit its function. A GUI should be as pleasant to look at as it is useful.

Another example of the half-baked state of GNOME is it's standard Workspace Switcher. Workspaces are great, and really offer untold efficiency, once you weave them into your work-flow.
The trend in the GUI these days, and for some time now, has been transparency. You know, making windows or parts of them see-through. I see transparency overused frequently, by people who must have much better eyesight than I. I do however, enjoy using a tiny bit of transparency to brighten up the my dull desktop.

Unfortunately, certain parts of the standard GNOME applet set (I'm in Fedora 12, here) have not yet gained the transparency options already present in gnome-panel, most of its applets, and gnome-terminal. I'm not looking for the apps boxes in the workspaces to be see-through. I only want to see options in the Preferences menu to give me the choice to omit the depressing grey backgrounds at the lower right of my screen.

Certainly, I 'm not the only one who thinks the following is an improvement... Let me know (complain below)...


Here's my imagined future state (that clock applet is also digitized failure):

(click for larger)

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